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The GeoCast MOBILE MULTICAST ENABLING PORTAL SYSTEM is the key to commercializing Cell Broadcast.


It enables Commercial Mobile Networks to collect, format and passively multicast data from an unlimited  scale of  sources to an unlaminated scale of devices in specified geographic locations with no modification to the network

Without the GeoCastTM enabling service, powered by a shared middleware technology operating system and cell broadcast management centers, commercial multicast applications cannot be economically deployed.

Commercial Interface Portal


The UPSEN system developed under the direction of the CEASA Group will enable the mobile operator networks to collect and instantly relay by broadcast messaging; ‘hydromet’ emergency notifications developed by the World Meteorological Organization,  multinational missing child advisories prepared by the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and post-event recovery information under the direction of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, to all mobile devices in an impact location



Out of Band Internet Backdoor

The use Mobile Multicast Passive Data Syndication to circumvent a compromised Internet Network provides a RF backdoor data feed to command restoration programming.

Smart Data Hub

Mobile multicast is the only data syndication media able to transmit an unlimited scale of information to an unlimited scale of mobile devices with minimum spectrum consumption. As a download-only broadcast media, mobile multicast information does not require backhaul network registration or peripheral device identification.

  • Only Mobile Multicast Messaging displays only authorized information.

  • Only Mobile Multicast Data can passively command Machine-to-Machine actions.

  • Only Mobile Multicast can deliver the massive scale of information required to power General and Autonomic Artificial Intelligence.

Grid Demand Management

GeoCast Mobile Multicast Media allows power grids to passive manage power demand.

  • Connected electric vehicles can be informed of he current cost of electricity allowing the charging to be economically staged and reducing costly power spikes.

  • High power demand consumer products can be remotely controlled by the power grids eliminating the deen to execute brownout and black out operations. 

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