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Mobile GeoCast Commercial Gateway



The establishment of a 3rd party Commercial Gateway Broker to provide an onramp for accessing mobile operators' broadcast functionality provides two critical benefits for the participating networks...

  • Enforcement and maintenance of the client trust protocols and service contract terms outside of the networks,

  • Billing for the use of operators' spectrum and infrastructure based on capacity consumption.




Commercial Broker Gateway Functionality



Compilation of multi client content and data origination frontends.



Determines a content orignators' ability to access mobile networks' Cell Broadcast servers and subscribers.



Screening of client content proposals to determine if the proposal meets all trust and contractual requirements for broadcasting



Reformats data for each mobile networks' Cell Broadcast Centre,

Enforces the terms of each clients' contract and trust protocol agreements,

Enforces the mobile networks' terms of delivery and systems access.



Provides capacity utalization billing,

records generation








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